Indiana Counsel for Kids is a group of stakeholders working to educate the public and legislators on questions related to counsel for foster children.

Our Principles

  • Ensure children and youth receive high quality legal representation in child welfare cases.

  • Ensure legislation guarantees funding for legal services that enables adherence to best practice.

  • Ensure Indiana develops mandatory trainings, standards of practice for attorneys, and appropriate caseload limits based on research and best practices.

  • Ensure statewide coordination for implementation and program evaluation.

  • Support the Statewide Office of the Guardian Ad Litem/CASA and their role as a party.

  • Collaborate with stakeholders, including the Office of the Guardian Ad Litem/CASA, the Department of Child Services, Public Defenders, the Judiciary, lived experience experts, and the community to establish legal representation for children and youth.

The American Bar Association and the National Association of Counsel for Children support all foster children having attorneys.

Indiana does not require automatic appointment of counsel for children in the child welfare system, while most other states do.

  • Indiana is one of 14 states that does not ensure children have counsel in child welfare proceedings.

  • Indiana is one of only 7 states that does not guarantee legal representation for any children involved in child welfare cases.

The Indiana Foster Child Bill of Rights says a child can ask that an attorney be appointed to their case, but very few children are aware of this right. Even if a child asks for a lawyer, the Judge does not have to appoint a lawyer for them. In Indiana, the vast majority of foster children do have their own lawyer. Indiana DCS Bill of Rights for Youth in Care

What can you do?

  • Go to and learn about Counsel for Kids.

  • Join us in advocating for change in Indiana and better outcomes for our foster children.

  • Call your local legislator and explain why children deserve competent legal representation in child welfare cases.